Adult Women Weight Loss – The Simple Truth As to How Best Women Can Lose Weight

Achieving adult woman weight loss can seem like a no win battle. I know what you are going through as I have been there and bought the t-shirt!

My favourite was eating nachos for starters, followed by burger and chips, with ice cream and cake for dessert….and seeing as I just had eaten so much what harm was finishing it all off with a bar of chocolate going to do! female weight loss plan

It was all good fun but eventually my weight piled on and I seriously ballooned in weight! I looked awful, had no energy for my kids or husband and my health was beginning to suffer.  I knew I had to lose weight fast.

After going through countless fad diets I finally managed to find the simple rules which allowed me to lose 30 pounds. Now  I want to share those simple rules for adult women weight loss with you. 

Adult Women Weight Loss – The Rules

  1. Do Some Exercise – Now I’m not saying you need to run around a gym like a lunatic for hours on end on those horrid treadmills! What I mean is get out and move your body so you become slightly out of breath and warm. Go for a brisk walk for just 20 minutes a day five times a week. Don’t use the lifts at work but walk the steps instead. Try and do something which you can incorporate into your day and that you enjoy. It really isn’t that hard. And if all that fails – get a dog and take him for walks!  Trust me, as your activity levels increase, so will your desire to do more exercise.
  2. Eat Properly – Now let’s get serious. This losing weight thing is not rocket science. You know that eating huge pizzas and donuts is not good for you. I also know junk food is tasty and that the thought of never eating it again is too much to bear. So don’t! Just be sensible. Eat healthy foods like lean meats, fish, veg, fruit, potatoes and wholemeal pastas and bread 80% of the time and junk food 20% of the time. What I did was just have Sunday as a free day. On Sunday I ate whatever I wanted – chocolate, ice cream and pizza. The rest of the time I was a good girl.
  3. Throw Away The Junk – To help you eat healthily in the first few weeks, I suggest you remove all temptation from your fridge and cupboards. Throw  away all bad food and don’t replace it. I know your family (if you have one) may hate you for it – but just tell them what you are doing and they will understand.

And that’s all I did. Eat well, exercise and avoid temptation in your first few weeks. Sounds simple…but I know that it doesn’t mean its easy. If you are serious about achieving adult women weight loss then please look at [] It really helped me out and acted as a guide for me.

The one thing I learnt from which made a huge impact in my life was this simple concept. If you don’t start putting into practice the above steps TODAY then you will continue to gain weight. You will never achieve the body you want, your health will not improve and your energy levels will just get wor

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